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About the Program

Master Builders SA are delighted to announce RISE – a crucial mental health support program for South Australia’s building and construction industry.

RISE - the Building and Construction Mental Health Support Program aims to reduce the prevalence of mental illness and suicide in the Australian building and construction industry - an industry where, sadly, we lose a worker to suicide every second day.

In fact, Australian building and construction workers are six times more likely to die from suicide than in a workplace accident.


The Malinauskas Labor Government has provided Master Builders SA with a grant of $150,000 to appoint Coaches to help business owners and workers navigate common pressures associated with working in construction.

The program will target business owners, subcontractors, and workers, including tailored support for female and First Nations members in the industry.

Master Builders SA have identified passionate Coaches based on their mentoring and industry experience, mental health advocacy, and/or a personal journey overcoming stress, burnout, and mental health challenges.

Andrea Michaels MP

This Master Builders program is an incredibly important step towards ensuring a safe and supportive workplace for our construction workers.

Mental health is consistently raised with me as a major challenge by our small business owners - whether that’s owners managing their own wellbeing, or that of colleagues and employees.

This concern is only exacerbated in the construction industry, dominated by small businesses and subcontractors, where people report issues like poor work-life balance, financial stress, and pressure to get the job done.

This program allows those who may be struggling to access free and confidential support, guidance and resources to help them through tough times.

Minister for Small and Family Business
Andrea Michaels MP

Tom, Tradie

I finished by apprenticeship and quickly became a subbie, work got busy, my family grew, but without the right business acumen, I soon started to get into trouble with my finances with accounts getting behind, ATO on my back, it seemed that I just couldn’t get on top of it.

Eventually it resulted in losing the house, which broke my wife’s heart. I wish that RISE had been around to help give me guidance and to just talk about what I was going through, so many issues could have been prevented.

Tom, Tradie

Tom, Site Supervisor

I wanted to get off the tools and become a site supervisor so got a job at a high volume builder, however, with little training on managing staff or project management, I quickly became overwhelmed with my days starting at 5am and not ending till gone 10pm as I tried to keep up.

This started to impact my mental health as I struggled with the stress as well as my family life. I wish there was a program like RISE available at the time, it may have prevented me getting burnt out.

Tom, Site Supervisor

Why is the program called RISE?

Master Builders SA have introduced the RISE Award at the 2023 Building Excellence Awards to recognise an individual who displays Resilience, Inspiration, Skill and Endurance in the building and construction industry.

This Award was named in honour of the late John Indrizzi, Managing Director of Exclusive Commercial Linings and valued member of the Master Builders Association in both South and Western Australia, who encapsulated these qualities and more throughout his inspiring career.

John established Exclusive Commercial Linings in 2010, building it from a small Perth based business to a multimillion-dollar company operating over numerous states. His ability to overcome adversity when faced with challenges was one of his many strengths.

John started his first business ‘Essex Industry’ at the ripe age of 26 years, and whilst it was successful for many years, it faced financial hardship and had to close its doors. However, John persevered, drawing on his tenacity and resilience, and found success with Exclusive Commercial Linings, a business that continues to service the building and construction industry today.

It is no secret that working in the building and construction industry can be a hard slog, much of one’s time is spent absorbed by programs and deadlines. Managers and leaders within the industry are often faced with the added pressures and greater responsibility of managing people. The prevalence of poor mental health is alarming.

The RISE Award recognises an individual who has experienced hardship in their role within the industry and has demonstrated their ability to overcome this. A person who continues to strive for excellence despite the setbacks.

What John accomplished in his 46 young years is admirable and we are looking to honour his memory by rewarding an individual who demonstrates the same qualities he demonstrated throughout his life; Resilience, Inspiration, Skill and Endurance.

As a result, it felt appropriate to continue to use RISE – Resilience, Inspiration, Skill and Endurance encapsulates everything that the Building & Construction Mental Health Support Program is addressing within our industry