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Help / Support Options

Let us know what you need support with and we can recommend the right Coach for you.

Help / Support Options

When seeking help and support, it's important to approach the process with clarity and purpose. Here are ten points to consider when reaching out for assistance:

Identify your specific needs: Take some time to reflect on the areas you require help and support. Be clear about the challenges you're facing and specific outcomes you hope to achieve. Then complete our enquiry form to find the best coach for you.

Research your options: Explore our downloadable resource. Whether it's professional services, support groups, helplines, or online communities, look for options that align with your needs and preferences. Our coaches can also help to signpost you to other services, if needed.

Check the bios: Ensure the coaches you consider have appropriate expertise in addressing your specific areas of support. Our coaches can also assist you to identify these if needed.

Consider accessibility: This includes factors such as location, availability, and online or face-to-face consultations.

Assess confidentiality and privacy: If confidentiality is important to you, ensure the support you seek offers a safe and private environment in accordance with your preferences. This is particularly crucial when discussing sensitive or personal matters.

Discuss expectations and goals: When engaging with our coaches, communicate your expectations and goals upfront. This will help them understand how best to assist you and align their approach accordingly.

Take an active role: Remember that seeking help and support is a collaborative process. Actively participate in the discussions, ask questions, and provide relevant information to ensure the support you receive is tailored to your needs.

Evaluate progress and adjust if needed: Regularly assess your progress and evaluate whether the support you are receiving is effective. If necessary, don't hesitate to request or explore alternative coaches, or adjust your approach to find the assistance that best suits your evolving needs.

Remember, seeking help and support is a proactive step toward personal growth and well-being. By being intentional in your approach, you increase the likelihood of finding the support that can make a positive difference in your life.

Further Support

If you are looking for further support, these are some of the organisations in South Australia that we trust and recommend to help support you.

Mates in Construction

MATES is an Industry backed, research-based, suicide prevention and support program since 2008, operating in the Construction, Mining and Energy industry.

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Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue is an independent, not-for-profit organisation working to reduce the impact of anxiety, depression and suicide in Australia. Visit or call 1300 224 636.

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