Anna-Clare Longford

Provides support in the following areas:

Apprentice Challenges, Career Support, Family Issues, Prioritising my workload, Problems with my co-workers, Women in the Workplace

Anna-Clare Longford started her career in the construction industry as a 17-year-old Carpentry apprentice with Master Builders SA in 1993. For over 30 years, she has held various roles within the construction industry.

The construction industry is renowned for long hours, competitiveness and the level of high-risk work involved. As a professional in this field, Anna-Clare is committed to personally championing MATES in Construction who provide suicide awareness and prevention training to all people within the industry. MATES motto of “Let’s Make a Difference” aligns with Anna-Clare’s views and she follows the points of building self-reliance and resilience, forming links and developing workplace networks. Anna-Clare is proud to be a Wellness Ambassador, providing support and to be part of the solution.

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